Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Q2. What is strategy? At what levels is it formulated?


To understand the process of strategic management the concept should be understood and controlled. The term strategy is derived from the Greek word “STRATEGOS” à Generalship. The actual direction of military force, as distinct from governing its deployment. The word strategy means “ THE ART OF GENERAL ”. Based on the studies and views by various experts and management gurus Strategy in business has taken various connotations.

1.   Before making a decision managers have to look into the course of deciding since
Strategy involves situations like

a)    How to face the competition.
b)   Whether to undertake expansions/diversification
c)    To be focused/ broad based
d)   How to chart a turn around
e)    Ensuring stability/should we go in for disinvestments etc

2.   An establishment and successful company would start to face new threats in the environment. This is due to its success and emergence of new competitors. It has to rethink the course of action it has been following. This is called strategy.
3.   With such rethinking and environment analysis, new opportunities may emerge and be identified.
4.   To make use of these opportunities, the company might fundamentally rethink and reason the ways and means, the actions it had been following in the past. These are called “ strategies “.
5.   For a company to survive and to be successful strategy is one of the most significant concepts to emerge in the field of management. According to Alfred chandler the determination of basic long-term goals and objectives of an enterprise and the adoption of the course of action and the allocation of resources for carrying out these goals.
William Gluck defines strategy as “a unified, comprehension and integrated plan designed to assure that the basic objectives of the enterprises are achieved”.
6.   Michael Porter views strategy as the  “ core of general management is strategy”.
Managers must make companies flexible, respond rapidly, benchmark the best practices, outsource aggressively, develop core competencies; Infact should know how to play new roles everyday. Hyper competition is a common phenomenon that rivals copy very fast.
7.   Companies can outperform rivals only if it can establish a difference it can preserve and deliver greater value at a reasonable cost.
8.   Strategy rests on unique activities –“ The essence of strategy is in the activities – choosing to perform things differently and to perform different activities than rivals”.
9.   Strategy is long term. If company focus is only on operational effectiveness.  It can become good and not better. Overemphasis on growth leads to the dilutions of strategy. Growth is achieved by deepening strategy.  
10.                Strategy is the future plan of action, which relates to the companies activities and its mission/vision i.e. when it would like to reach from its current position.
11.                It is concerned with the resource available today and those that will be required for the future plan of action. It is about the trade off between its different activities and creating a fit among these activities.


1.   When a company performs different business/ has portfolio of products, the company will organize itself in the form of strategic business units (SBU’s).
2.   In order to segregate different units each performing a common set of activities, many companies are organized on the basis of operating divisions/decisions. These are known as strategic business units.

3) Strategies are looked at                
v  Corporate level
v  SBU level
4) There exists a difference at functional levels like marketing, finance, productions etc. Functional level strategies exist at both corporate and SBU level. It has to be aligned and integrated.
5) CORPORATE LEVEL STRATEGY: It’s a broad level strategy and all its plan of actions is at corporate level i.e. what the company as a whole. It covers the various strategies performed by different SBU’s. Strategies needs should be in align with the company objective.
6) Resources should be allocated to each SBU and broad level functional strategies. To ensure things there would need to have co-ordination of different business of the SBU’s.
FUNCTIONAL STRATEGY: As the SBU level deals with a relatively. Smaller area that provides objectives for a specific function in that SBU environment are marketing, finance, production, operation etc.
7)       For most companies strategies plans are made at 3 levels.

Societal Strategy: Larger Companies like conglometers with multiple business in different countries needs larger level strategy.
1)    A relatively smaller company may require a strategy at a level higher than corporate level.
2)    It’s how the company perceives itself in its role towards the society/ even countries in terms of vision/ mission statement/ a set of needs that strives to fulfill corporate level strategies are then derived from the societal strategy.

Operational Level Strategy:
In the dynamic environment & due to the complexities of business strategies are needed to be set at lower levels i.e. one step down the functional level, operational level strategies.
There are more specific & has a defined scope. E.g. Marketing Strategy could be subdivided into sales Strategies for different segments & markets, pricing, distribution etc.
Some of them may be common & some unique to the target markets.
It should contribute to the functional objectives of marketing function. These are interlinked with other strategies at functional level like those of finance, production etc

Monday, September 20, 2010

Critically examine the main drivers of Nike’s growth. Critically appraise the strategic approach, and propose strategic options to sustain their growth.

Look at tools of analysis e.g. swot , pestle, alue chain, porter’s 5 forces, shareholder matrix, resource view, 4 p’s, BCG matrix.etc and others to come to your answer.

Nike operates within the sports footwear and apparel market. Originally designing and producing running shoes, their portfolio has broadened to include a wide range of sports and leisure wear. This is all endorsed by top sporting personalities.

This environment is fairly stable although terrorism and Sars has affected consumer confidence and supply networks.

Mission Statement
In its mission statement Nike expresses that it requires doing business in a responsible way, leading to sustainable financial growth. With the advances in technology, HR practices, the well informed and trained work force, there is very little left to differentiate organisations. Being seen to go further than the minimum required on social issues can attract and retain customers. This green cleansing attracts attention to the organisation; they are viewed as caring and social responsible (Mullins, L. 2005).

A report, on the business practices of Nike through its supply chain accused the organisation of being involved in poor working conditions, violations of labour rights, low wages and harassment of its workforce. Nike takes these reports seriously. On the basis of the research findings the company has intensified the monitoring of its suppliers (Hummels, H and Timmer, D.2004)

Past options
To build its business with all of its partners based on trust, teamwork, honesty and mutual respect; this is expected to be returned, expecting business partners to operate on the same principles.

Nike does not want to only do what is required by law, but also do what is expected of a leader

Future Options
Review and monitor closer the actions of business partners

To prevent bad publicity, which can damage the organisation

Critical Success Factor
To demonstrate to consumers the high value within the organisation to CSR.

Change of Focus

Hummels, H and Timmer, D.2004 agreed that these reports were needed, Although Mullin, L. 2005 stated that it could be just green washing

Nikes Function
Past options
the company focus on design and development

This reduces long term debt has the benefit of not tying capital up in plant and equipment

Future Options


Critical Success Factor
Reduced size of premises therefore reduced costs. Vital to have innovative employees. Products are viewed as innovative

Change of Focus

Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004 agreed that this was a cost effective method of production

Production Within several of these countries there have been problems with production, distribution and political problems. With the change in relationship between the USA and Vietnam and China, these are new production venues that Nike could explore.

Past options
Produce goods in the Far east

Keeps costs down

Future Options
Vietnam and China

New trade agreements, present sites are switching manufacturing to electrical goods

Critical Success Factor
Maintaining current standards, closer working relationships, retaining customer loyalty by guaranteed standard of product

Change of Focus
A shift to a more managed production

All organisation need to watch changes in political and economical factors in their outsourcing. Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004,

Shareholder matrix
Surrounding all organisations are stakeholders, all with varied levels of authority, power and interest towards the organisation Mendelow (1991) considered a matrix that classifies the level of power and interest a stakeholder has in an organisation. Although once each group of stakeholders is recognised, it cannot be assumed that their level of interest will remain the same (Mendelow (1991) cited in Scholes, K. & Johnson, J 1997:198). Jones (1995) argue that the stakeholder framework is practical for considering business and society issues, because it identifies the sources of a corporation’s social obligations and its set of stakeholders (Jones (1995) cited in Rowley, T. 1998:28).

Therefore by Nike concentrating on their stakeholders it has placed Corporate Social responsibility high on their agenda. The organisation has to demonstrate transparency in all actions and reporting. This can cause conflict with the shareholders. Common in stakeholder theory is compromises on both sides that can obviously haze over differences; this primary characteristic is accepted as contra-distinctiveness from the shareholder value. This was discussed by Friedman, (1993) that the ultimate purpose of a company should be serving the interests of its shareholders (Friedman, (1993)

Value chain
Nike’s supply chain provides a clear view of the extent of the global nature of the company. Nike’s headquarters are in America; however, virtually all of its production takes place outside of the United States.

Nike’s supply chain upstream begins with the materials used in the production of its products. Many of these materials used in production are available in the locations which the manufacturing takes place, but some specialised materials have to be imported to the manufacturing company.

Past options
Outsourcing of all production

Reduced costs

Future Options
Outsource with stronger control

Speed up reporting of any problems in production, the supply chain, the greater the distance the slower the reporting of problems

Critical Success Factor
Reduce problems associated with distance, i.e. quality, consistency and value

Change of Focus
Although still outsourcing, they would gain more control over production.

Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004, agreed that Nike can be too far from the site of production

Past options
Target USA

Demand and growth for footwear in the US was rapid.

Future Options
Future option is to enter EU markets

To expand into growing markets as US is near saturation.

Critical Success Factor
organic growth as well as by acquisition, also brand name, goodwill- therefore there is a match is CSF to succeed

Change of Focus
Maybe have to target marketing in a different way

When markets are reaching saturation, new markets need to be identified to prevent decline in sales. Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004,

Distribution and Retailers
Nike has a strong network of retailers in 200 coutries world wide through distributors, licensees and sudsiduaries. Within the USA there are 18000 stores that retail nike products. These are well established channels.

Nike made itself heavily dependant on one retailer Footlocker, representing 10% of their revenue. When Footlocker reduced their purchasing form Nike, it created a reduction in turnover in the short term. Organisations that are over dependant on one retailer are open to cash flow problems, if the retailer switches suppliers, reduces purchasing or ceases trading (Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004).

Past options
Although they have numerous retailers, they were heavily dependant on one out let chain

To sell top of the range products

Future Options
To negotiate partnerships deals that allow for the choice of product for the retailer

To prevent sudden withdrawal of products

Critical Success Factor
Customer being able to rely on source of product. If withdrawn they may find an alternative product

Change of Focus
Closer working partnerships

Organisations that are over dependant on one retailer are open to cash flow problems, if the retailer switches suppliers, reduces purchasing or ceases trading. Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004

Nike has a futures, but can also ship overnight when needed. Although the futures method is currently working for Nike,

Past options
Futures ordering system

a 6 month lead time for product orders, always knowing what is needed in production

Future Options


Critical Success Factor
This is responsive to the market trends, but can also help retailers plan stock.

Change of Focus

Any change or threats within the markets could leave them overstocked (Groucutt, J. et al 2004)

In addition, consumer sales outside of the United States exceeded sales in the United States in 2003 with only 43% of the company’s sales coming from the US In Europe there are difficulties in entering the market, the single currency and the trade rules make entry difficult for large organisations.

Past options
Target the US

Growing market, but is now reaching saturation

Future Options
Target new markets, including e-commerce

To avoid a reduction in sales

Critical Success Factor
Entry to the markets, by advertising and targeting the audience. Ensuring accurate and quick picking of the customers order

Change of Focus
Shift to global marketing, selling world wide from the web targeting Generation Y.

By tailoring marketing to the customer needs Nike has been successful in the past and continues to be today (Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004)

Nike Branding
Past options
global brand

Consumers are willing to pay a premium price for; as they imply credibility, high quality and up-to-date global trend.

Future Options
When companies are bought trade under their name

Moving into a new market with a brand that is already global you can reduce cost of introductory and follow-up marketing programs.

Critical Success Factor
Ensures customer loyalty and to widen portfolio

Change of Focus
Concentrating on core products as Nike, allowing growth in new diverse markets

significant scales of economy are achieved Aaker 2000, this is in terms of brand development, packaging and manufacturing

Sports personalities have endorsed the Nike product, although with numerous different sports and countries targeted this has been costly. The amount each personality has received is considered high. This forces the competitors to market their products in the same way. Trends within the industry have increased the number of female consumers. With advertising Nike has targeted segments of the market, this costly. Nike should review their advertising policies (Groucutt, J. et al 2004).

Past options
Sports personalities have endorsed the Nike product, although with numerous different sports and countries targeted

To target all types of sport by choosing personalities which are at the top of their sports.

Future Options
To chose personalities that appeal to a wider audience

To reduce advertising costs

Critical Success Factor

Change of Focus

Groucutt, J. et al 2004

The athletic shoe industry is highly competitive as well as a demanding market where fierce competition, price conscience consumers, and constant changing market trends and fads have all been attributing factors in how a manufacturer responds.

Highly focused brand includes Nike, Adidas, and Reebok, they target a precise market. However, there is evidence that a brand will widen its target market as it reaches a greater level of maturity. In the case of Nike, for example, there was a move into new sports areas away from the running heritage. Nike’s target audience has moved from more masculine towards female and Generation Y.

Price is related to Product, through the characteristics of the brand, it’s packaging and overall image. People are buying into an ideal, not just the item. Consumers believe that there is a link between quality of a product and the price. Consumers question what they are getting for their money. Brand Management, customer awareness and loyalty, is directly linked to the price, therefore maintenance of the relationship between brand images; quality and price have to be consistent (Johnson, G & Scholes J 2004).

Models used in Analysis
Swot analysis
This analysis will summarise key issues from the business environment and the strategic capacity of Nike. This can be used to judge future strategic options.


◦Product Range
◦Capacity for innovation
◦Distribution expertise
◦Single Brand
◦Stars endorsement
◦Contract manufacturing
◦Large portfolio of products
◦Single Brand
◦Too many stars endorsement
◦Contract manufacturing
◦Spread portfolio of products
◦Reliant on retailers
◦Reduction of target market
◦New Markets
◦E commerce
◦Research and development
◦Increase product line
◦Product diversification
◦Change target market
◦New manufacturing countries
◦Fashion Trends
◦Contract manufacturing and copying of product (intellectual property)
◦Consumer lifestyle changes
◦Bad press associated with Nike
◦Outlets cancelling orders
This will consider environmental influences on the organisation, both in the past and with future strategic plans.

◦Striking dock workers
◦Political unrest in the production countries
◦Terrorism in the home country
◦Slow down in the economy
◦Reduction in consumer confidence
◦Barriers of entry to the EU
◦Contract manufacturing

◦Brand conscious consumers
◦Change in buying habits in younger people
◦Generation Y prefers other types of footwear
◦Increase in the female share of the market
◦Corporate social responsibility
◦Speed of change of product
◦Design Ability
◦Speed of News reporting
◦Re use a shoe
◦Sustainability philosophy
◦Climate impact
◦Threaten action by underage workforce
◦Poor employment record
◦Corporate social responsibility
◦Contract manufacturing and copying of product (intellectual property)
◦Trade agreements
Supply Chain
Like every large IT undertaking, the team responsible for the implementation of Nike Supply Chain (NSC) began with a set of specific, stated goals:

•Enhancing Nike’s ability to respond to changing conditions;
•Reducing inventory and capital investment risk;
•Improving service to meet customer/consumer needs;
•Improving process, information and product quality; and
•Providing an efficient global supply chain with local implementation
Porter’s 5 forces
This model is used to identify the sources of competition, and how to gain advantage over them.

•Potential Entrants
◦Other sportswear manufacturers expanding their portfolio
◦Cheap copies from the Far East
◦The buyers of sports footwear have changed in the past decade.
◦There has been and increase in women purchasing the shoes,
◦Generation Y has a different tastes and purchasing methods.
◦When required for professional use there is no substitute goods, but as a fashion item there are many other goods that could be purchased.
◦Using production facilities in the Far East has give Nike economies of scale. Although there are now problems arising from these factories, they are switching to making there own goods, labour and political unrest causes delays in manufacturing and shipping of the goods,
•Competitive Rivalry
◦Reebok, offering more choice of shoe, introducing endorsement by sports personalities, sponsoring sporting leagues
◦Adidas have recovered from the problems that plagued them, and have a good product mix, covering a wide range of sports.
BCG matrix
•Nike is established within its markets, benefiting from economies of scale.
•This places them in the Cash Cows category on the Matrix.
•Cash cows market growth has slowed, and the products hold a fairly stable market share

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Other Punchline/tagline suggested by the people

“Your flexible friend.” Access
“You're in good hands with Allstate.” Allstate Insurance Co.
“Reach out and touch someone.” AT&T
“Vorsprung durch technik.” Audi
“Ah, Bisto!” Bisto
“The quicker picker-upper.” Bounty
“A little dab'll do ya.” Brylcreem
“Please don't squeeze the Charmin.” Charmin
“It's what your right arm's for.” Courage Tavern Ale
“Cats like Felix like Felix.” Felix
“Grace... Space... Pace.” Jaguar
“We all adore a Kia-Ora.” Kia-Ora
“Betcha can't eat just one.” Lay's
“Tastes so good cats ask for it by name.” Meow Mix
“Where do you want to go today?” Microsoft
“Milk's gotta lotta bottle.” Milk
“It's Miller time!” Miller
“I love New York.” New York
“Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.” Peter Paul Mounds/ Almond Joy
“If it's on, it's in.” Radio Times
“I liked it so much I bought the company.” Remington
“Schhh...You-Know-Who.” Schweppes
“WotalotIgot!” Smarties
“Raise your hand if you're sure.” Sure
“Free enterprise with every issue.” The Economist
“Don't just book it. Thomas Cook it.” Thomas Cook
“It's everywhere you want to be.” Visa
“Drivers wanted.” Volkswagen
“Breakfast of champions.” Wheaties

Friday, September 3, 2010

Core Competency

A core competency is a specific factor that a business sees as being central to the way it, or its employees, works. It fulfills three key criteria:

1.It provides consumer benefits
2.It is not easy for competitors to imitate
3.It can be leveraged widely to many products and markets.
A core competency can take various forms, including technical/subject matter know-how, a reliable process and/or close relationships with customers and suppliers.[1] It may also include product development or culture, such as employee dedication.

Core competencies are particular strengths relative to other organizations in the industry which provide the fundamental basis for the provision of added value. Core competencies are the collective learning in organizations, and involve how to coordinate diverse production skills and integrate multiple streams of technologies. It is communication, an involvement and a deep commitment to working across organizational boundaries. Few companies are likely to build world leadership in more than five or six fundamental competencies.

The value chain is a systematic approach to examining the development of competitive advantage. It was created by M. E. Porter in his book, Competitive Advantage (1980). The chain consists of a series of activities that create and build value. They culminate in the total value delivered by an organization. The 'margin' depicted in the diagram is the same as added value. The organization is split into 'primary activities' and 'support activities'.

In 1990s most of the cos started its finance arm which was doing away with the CC. Predictably they all have to shut these finance shops. Ironically today most of the cos , in the name of globilisation or going glocal, doing the same thing. Only the time will tell....

In fact, CC give rise to innovation - trigerring into the development of better CC.